Frozen Ones PT1
Like i said before, Pak returned to me last week to tell me some things, some news that I NEED to write here to keep you guys updated. We have new neighbors, and Pak seems worried about this. Oumuamua was discovered in October when he was only at 0,2UA from us, he came so fast and so stealth with a trajectory so "unnatural" that broke our astronomy science. I saw all the info and news when he came, and something was telling me "Something's wrong", but at first I forgot this feeling and I appreciated the beauty of its passage through our solar system, the first object that came from another system. I was thinking how he really are, how was the feeling of touching him, his composition, what he "saw" over all those millions of years of trip. But of course, after all, my experience with Pakaol changed me, I know we are living among all kind of creatures, in a lot of dimensions that even me can't imagine. But one thing I'm 100%, our sou...