Dear Apocalypse Final.
_What you call Internet its over, no more big data, no more smart data, no more IA, we melted all transatlantic cable around the planet. . I freezed, then I said: _But we know how to do all those things, we can build again everything. He looked at me with his red DEEP eyes and said: _ We know, but we don’t want to avoid this, our goal its to bring back humanity to humans. How much will cost to recover all the kind of power stations, satellites, antennas? What about the food you humans keep stored using robots and energy power? What about the planes, boats, cars without technology support? What about the kids that since are babies using a device called smartphone and don’t have any intuition about life? Grow up with a weak mind and commit suicide not knowing how to manage the difficulties of life? Are humans a parasite or a partner in this dimension? This is what we need to know. _We came, we found almost perfect solar system, with all resources that we need to create a planetary co...