What he gave me

Guys sorry if i write too bad on English, isnt my first language, but im still practicing because for me English its the international language, and i need to everyone at least read what i want to post.
I dont want no one believe me, like i said on reddit: "i will live my life normally, he get what he want. he have his purpose, i have mine, i need to feed my mother, pay debts, well, i need live my life. I will never be entering in a world that need to proof something, humans will never be satisfied, always will need some more. Sorry guys but this is like religion.. some people say in the church that can feel God, this is proof of them that God exists, but we cant see God, and a atheist cant feel God because he dont believe in god, he have his purposes. This thing happened to me, i tell you guys all that i can remember, i left some details with me, why? its simple, because i need to proof that these details really happened and i will be entering again in a battle to proof those things. Thats why for me its end, im not consider myself lucky, this changed me,changed my mind, i can feel it. But what happened to me have not changed the world..Galileo dies because he rejected the purposes of the catholic Church..
A day continues having 24 hours, millions of my cells is dying every seconds, my life is going and i need to live her, i will never forget this, i dont know what will happens, but I can not stop my life going after something that is beyond my nature"

I will tell here post by post what i fell i need to tell, what im still saving with me.

Im still being asked what he gave to me.
   1- this thing in my finger.
   2- He took a grey rock from the hole, the rock was broken and from inside this rock was white with small orange holes, and have some insects in those orange small holes on the rock.
   He gave me a part of this rock, so, its white, with some marks (i guess its natual marks from the formation of the rock).
Some insects still in the hole, im thinking about close it.
   Today i going to my old house saw again the hole, and i excavated myself and saw another stone, but isnt gray, is tottaly white and was unbroken, i left outside of the house, to he leave if he want ( i dont know if he needs, but still outside), and i dont want to he go again to my old house, but anyway i let the house open again.
  3- Im still feeling a lot of fear inside of me, like im being observed all the time, somethimes i feel myself lonely a lot, i feel like when i sit, my soul is going to a abandoned house in the dark, and i cant stop let her go.
  At same time, im seeing the world different, its strange but i can feel the energy of everything, the emotions, i found some relatives today and something in my mind (my conscience maybe) tell me that my cousing want a hug and she want to hear "i love you" from someone.
  I did, and shes started to cry, and she said: "I want this all day, and you guessed".
  My mother was watching TV when suddently my conscience tell in my mind: "She wants a chocolate ice cream", and i asked if she want this, she surprised and guessed me: how you know i want this? i tell her thats just lucky (she doesnt know what happened, and i feel is not time to tell).
 So maybe those things isnt happening because of what happened to me, maybe is just a new me after what happened... i dont know if i will stay alive with those turbulent mind, surrounded by fear. Or i can go on.. i will post later something about this new day that is coming. (-3 gmt here, i will try to sleep now.)


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