Thank you world.. We are near 7000 visitors, thank you anonymous guys, than you to be with me.. Maybe one day all os this will make sense, maybe its too late, well, the time is running. I've met Em and Pak in a dream today, and a guest with big head.. He seems cold a lot, i guess he doesnt feel anything... and i cant touch him, he gave me a shock, that made me wake up here on Earth this dammit burned my body in real live, this made me shock.... Well, i guess now im going to the bad side of all of this, Pakaol respect this guy a lot, like he are more old than he, they talk by mind and voice, Pakaol says to me what he are saying . He is cold, black eyes, look i TRIED to draw him: He telled me to call him Emertep (maybe is this how i can write, Pak have difficulty to speak with him, i guess he doesnt stop to ask him or talk to him in his mind). he wear black clothes, i dont know the material, It seems to be made of a different kind of wire, be...
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