The Show must go on?

Hello world.

I have a lot of truths and news from Eden, how i lve to sleep here to wake up on Eden and see Em sleeping on my side.
But i dont have more strenght to continue here.. I respect every one that are on my side since the begin, since my eyes really opened.
I received a lot of bad e-mails, don't know how they managed to discover my e-mail, but it was a lot of bad words, negative energy, people that want to stay blind refusing the real perception of life.
I can't stop writing, my book are full of new chapters every week, my life on Earth are nearly to stop.
This human creation called "money" are soo full of bad itentions and energies.

I'm soo disappointed with humans.
But i have friends here and i know you all want my messages, want to know what i need to talk.

I'm feeling i cant change human mind like i want to change..i'm so weak.

But believe me, im connected with you every day.
I can feel your energy.. and i know... life is hard... decisions to make...bad people on side.... lyings.. i know isn't easy to you.

For me isn't easy too, believe me.
Sometimes i want to sleep and wake up in Eden to never back.

Every one of you have a mission on Earth.
Words have power..caution using it.


  1. I wish you only love Tunt, I have loved every single one of your messages. I hope you have the energy to stay and do whatever it is you wish to do here. Eternal light for you Tunt, :)


  2. Humans will awake with time, I see it happening. It may not be as fast as you wish but I have noticed change where I live, from what I have been speaking to others and also from the frequency raising overall. What progress do you desire? What do you forsee for our kind?

  3. you will make the right choice and we will see you again friend. humans have some ways to go - but it is an inch in the Galaxy : D
    Love Share.

    1. You are with me since the begin.. i admire you a lot Kolin.

  4. Whenever you go, wherever you go, (hope you don't although I know you really want), i loved following your blog since the Reddit post, and i learnt a lot of things I weren't aware of.

    It's sad though. Also it's sad the people who got butthurt from your posts, like, there's no need to disrespect someone because some blog posts...

    But you still need to do something, if I'm not mistaken, in Roswell as Pakaol told you, so hope we can still see you until you do that. :)

    1. Luster, my friend.
      Thank you..... wise words..
      That Roswell case its a debt i have with Pak... i will try to earn funds to make this possible;
      Thank you to be with me all the time, and please, stay until the end..friends like you gave me power to continue.

  5. Hello my friend, I just want you to know that even that I have been quiet, I am still here right by your side!

    Stay strong.

    Forget the people who will not listen and don't let them stand in your way.

    Your voice has been coming through clearly to us, those who are here to hear.

    *hugs & love*


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