The Start of the End PT3

I'm feeling lost.. so... all that i've lived was a dream? My subconscious? This is it? Pak touched me , I fell and was in a coma for 7 years? No.. impossible..

And i asked Carlos:

_So.. if i awaked of a Coma, how i'm here on my house? Why i'm not in a hospital?

Carlos said:

_Somethimes you awake and lost your memory, but never saw you lost so agressive than this time.. You awaked... a little strange.. i can see in your eyes, you isn't you.. its like you really don't remember nothing from here.

I said:

_If I said to you that i am not from this reality? Did you believe me?

Carlos laughed, saying:

_And you will say that you have a brother instead of a sister, and this house isn't the same decoration of your other reality, and you lived in contact with a Alien..

I said:

_Yes!!! And much more!

Carlos said:

_ Hahahahh your sister said sometimes you dream speaking crazy things like this.. But believe me, you are dreaming..very well by the way.

I said:

_ In my reality you died in 2010 by brain cancer, i saw you in the coffin.. i mourned you.


_I am here! all types of Cancer have now a cure, a simple cure! Touch me Tunt, you can feel me!

I touched Carlos... Impossible... It's like Eden and my reality... but.. if this is like Eden, how i lived in Eden feeling like the same characteristics ?

I said to Carlos:

_How are the World today?

Carlos said:

_ Well, Cars using Solar energies are cheap but costs a lot of time to recharge and have short live, cars using hydrogen are a bit more expensive, but you can go around the world with a single cylinder box, We have too cars that use metal as fuel, awesome to .... the news are cars using saltwater.

I asked:


Carlos said:

_In America some cities have a no-driver road and higways, so.. the name say by itself, no driver, just passengers.. Here in Brazil a few cities have this type of road.. but soon the government will improve the budget to construct more.

I said:

_Interesting.. in my time this isn't possible.. more than one type of fuel... more than one type of road..

Carlos interrupted me:

_Your time ahahhahaha.. need to remember more things, Mr forgotten?

I asked:

_Yes! How's the space travel? How about religion? I have girlfriend or wife?son or daughter? What is the most deadly disease of our time ? What is the greatest danger of mankind?

Carlos said:

_Space travel.. well, we have humans living on Mars underground we found bacteria livind on that planet.... but hey.. too many questions.. lets get out and walk a bit... maybe we will find your wife or your sister!

We left home, everything seems different...the lights of dusty poles, as if no one else bothered to clean because the power was not possible...

Carlos saw my surprise seen the outside and said:

_ We have 3 greatests danger of manking: 1- No more potable water, 2- Asteroids, 3- Aliens.

I said:

_Aliens? Asteroids?

Carlos said:

_ NASA detected intelligent constructions on the ninth planet oncoming, ultrascope photos revealed kind of... Ships, constructions, energies next to him (the Planet). We don't know how to manage, the wars have destabilized the great powers , the big countries, we pratically don't have defence, and money to do or create something.



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