Center of the Universe PT 2
And Pak ended: _You will stay connected to me until The End, wise human.. But in every place we need to judge what is good and what is bad. Soon humans will discover a way to travel away from this solar system, soon humans will discover a new home, and will contact Eden. And I asked: _How? Its impossible travel in the speed of light, we do not have such a power, and even if we discover, we will have problem with mater. Pakaol said: _You are thinking so small now, do not lose any word that i said, wise people will read your words, some of them will make a difference over your race. Why the worry about speed if in the space you can take shortcuts, imagine the space outside your planet as a ocean.. your planet are a boat, your planet are a mass on this ocean, because your planet position and weight over this ocean, Earth have a different time compared to the ocean because Earth have his own, in your ...