Center of the Universe PT 2

And Pak ended:

_You will stay connected to me until The End, wise human.. But in every place we need to judge 

what is good and what is bad.

 Soon humans will discover a way to travel away from this solar system, soon humans will discover a

new home, and will contact Eden.

And I asked:

_How? Its impossible travel in the speed of light, we do not have such a power, and even if we 

discover, we will have problem with mater.

Pakaol said:

_You are thinking so small now, do not lose any word that i said, wise people will read your words, 

some of them will make a difference over your race.

Why the worry about speed if in the space you can take shortcuts, 

imagine the space outside your planet as a ocean.. your planet are a boat, your planet are a mass on

this ocean, because your planet position and weight over this ocean, Earth have a different time 

compared to the ocean because Earth have his own, in your knowledge lets call energy, speed and 

mass, but do not forget wise human, outside your "boat" everything is different.

Human from Earth can not imagine how outside work, less than 1% of humans did correct math 

observing away from Earth.

Wise Human, forget about how everything is inside Earth, and think that.. outside, everything are 

different, mainly time and energy, gravity.

Humans will learn that, in this ocean, they can create a artificial gravitational field, creating another, 

in your words, hole, shortcut on this ocean, simplifying, in this ocean you will not drown if you go 

deep, and going deep you will travel faster than the light, not needing speed, but needing energy.

And I asked:

_I never imaginated that this can be possibledo this....but.. and for who will stay on Earth? The tima 

there will pass a lot faster than who are inside this... "artificial hole"?

Pakaol said:

_They will stay, simplifying, over the surface, nothing will change in this faster condition. The ship 

are going deep, is not running in a straight direction on the surface.



  1. imagine if the two colonies could have some sort of relations in the future that would be wonderful

    be well tunt your info is helping people learn

  2. This is absolutely astounding Tunt. It really reminds me of what you say to watch Interstellar :)

    The way gravity truly works... Incredible. I am still learning.

    Also, do send word to Pak, I wish to talk to him if it is in his interest :)

  3. Tunt this colony is hard i feel your loneliness - come and sign up to Voat and join the discussion we are here with you to the end i wish i could convert my system to your language so you could give me feedback.

    have you been blocked from voat by NSA ? if so please tell me.


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