The Reptilian PT1
The Archangel last words was to me tell to everyone those words from last chapter and disappear like a thunderbolt..
I'm feeling confused, because I don't awake for.... a while on Earth..
Something is going strange to my body on Earth and I don't know what.
I was alone on that planet.. Did i write that he was perfect? I never breathe such a pure oxygen in my entire life on Earth like this one.
I started to walk normally on that planet, to see everything... no humans..just nature... so beautiful...
Try to imagine a bit... see this image and try to feel how was to be alone there.
Imagine that was night but the light of the moons can let you see everything.
I was in peace...
I want to stay there with Em..forever..Eternally.
Suddently I saw something coming.... from the sky.... a Ship...different shape/layout... I know someone strange was coming....
The ship landed next to me and oppened the... "door" (was not like a door from a home, was near like and elevator door).
Then someone started to walk... holy shit he was tall... maybe 4 meters?
He started to walk in my direction, I started to be afraid of him .... because he appearance was like a crocodile, not like one because his tail don't touch the ground.. and he walks two-footed.
He seems to be a very important hierarchy, because he uses a... magic stone? with a symbol like this one:
I'm feeling confused, because I don't awake for.... a while on Earth..
Something is going strange to my body on Earth and I don't know what.
I was alone on that planet.. Did i write that he was perfect? I never breathe such a pure oxygen in my entire life on Earth like this one.
I started to walk normally on that planet, to see everything... no humans..just nature... so beautiful...
Try to imagine a bit... see this image and try to feel how was to be alone there.
Imagine that was night but the light of the moons can let you see everything.
I was in peace...
I want to stay there with Em..forever..Eternally.
Suddently I saw something coming.... from the sky.... a Ship...different shape/layout... I know someone strange was coming....
The ship landed next to me and oppened the... "door" (was not like a door from a home, was near like and elevator door).
Then someone started to walk... holy shit he was tall... maybe 4 meters?
He started to walk in my direction, I started to be afraid of him .... because he appearance was like a crocodile, not like one because his tail don't touch the ground.. and he walks two-footed.
He seems to be a very important hierarchy, because he uses a... magic stone? with a symbol like this one:
It seems like a important symbol or stone.. glittered uncannily with the moonlight... like natual light activate his power, it seems like... a magic medal.. I don't know.
Thank you for writing tunt I look forward to hear more i'll try to share these as much as possible.