Science of METF - PT1

The universe it’s like an Ocean of dark matter and dark energy, and everything that we can see, its formed by any kind of positive matter.

Light interaction with matter it can be become altered and by studying light that has originated or interacted with matter, many of the properties of that matter can be determined.

But not for all mater.

At the same time that the photons exist and wears out, the anti-photons exist, but they do not waste, it expands. So, at the same time positive energy exists until the source fuel is spent, dark energy comes out and expand.
I visited an planet when they do not use “human like generated energy” to light the space that they want, they convert dark energy into positive energy just creating a small device that generate an kind of magnetic field frictioning dark matter, transforming into positive energy, so its generates light.

The galaxy spins over this ocean of dark matter and dark energy, generating something called METF - “Matter Time and Energy Frictioning” that generates everything that we can see. (speed, positive mater,positive time) that i’ll explain soon.
Now you asking yourself: Why do you say positive time?
Lets start on the end and beginning of time.

They (Zathyrios) teached me how everything started, and how it works METF and how much this was important to us, and how everything will change.

A black hole it’s called Phyteromenzus by Zathyrios, I’ll simply call from now Phy.

So, Phy its an 5D object (for u..)
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