
Showing posts from 2016

Hard times

Hello World, hello future, hello life. I know that everything that i will wrote here are expected. I can't stay connected on internet anymore, having problems with money (selling candies on the streets and some things to keep alive in this life, including medicines to treat anemia and pneumonia that are sucking my life slownly). Internet are not free, and very expensive on Brazil, and i choose to stop paying internet for a While to stay paying medicines. If you do not mind, please donate , I will keep the blog active as long I can. P.S: I'm still with contact with Pakaol, He gave me beautiful gifts, and we actually are doing a test. Eternal hugs and love.     Tunt.

A.. Vision today?

Hello world, hello future. I had a vision while dreaming today (11/24/16), I saw a spaceship, with very advanced technology transporting "frozen people", can't see who are transporting, but.. I counted 27 frozen people on that ship, and seen that ship was going to Mars. They are inside something like a cylinder, I can saw their faces through the glass of that cylinder and on the underside of the glass was a panel displaying data of who are inside. I can see the year of their...death? Freezing? , and one of them I can recognize very well... Michael Joseph Jackson.. through the glass he was kinda different (not a normal skin tone), but its him.  I was a fan of MJ while as kid... and see him... shakes my mind. Then suddently I was inside a laboratory, with different people putting other's people bodies inside other type of cilynder, one of the scientists(?) or doctors saying: _Let's start the process of thawing. Then they put the body inside this oth...

The Reptilian PT2

 stop the music's and radios from your device or computer, and listen only this sound( Please donate any amount that you will don't miss, it will help me a lot. -------------- He stops 6 meters away of me, and started to say: _Human, call me Sobek, welcome to the new planet like humans call.. Earth. I asked: _How many new Earths does exists? I believed that was only Eden.. He said: _In Your actual galaxy, millions.. come with me to my ship, let's speak a little. I was afraid of him... His appearance was like agressive, dangerous.. he noticed and said: _ I'm not a wild animal like crodociles of Earth, i'm friendly, let me show you some things that you will show to humans of Earth. So, I follow him into his ship... beautiful ship, modern... never saw nothing like this on every Earth reports. He said: _After you seat, you will felt a energy shock, like you was eletrocuted on Earth, you can feel p...


 Children who could have a bright future, enjoy emotions of life... They're just kids ..... I wish I could have the ability to give healing, to not see them suffering, no pain, I wish I could bring these beings peace, happiness. This photo is in Jessica Whelan, she have a cancer called neuroblastoma. Unfortunately doctors gave few weeks of life, the page you share this photo was created by her father, where he portrays the daughter of pain until the arrival of the end.   The human being had EVERYTHING to evolve their science to the point of dominating the human genome and seek a cure for cancer. But no, he preferred to build nuclear weapons and make war to dominate oil wells. The rulers enriched their pockets with corruption and death money. What remains for me ... Pray? ... I'll pray for her soul to get in the most confortable dimension, to live in peace to where she go, this I have no doubt .. But here on Earth, the loss of this smile is our fault.   I was ...

The Reptilian PT1

The Archangel last words was to me tell to everyone those words from last chapter and disappear like a thunderbolt.. I'm feeling confused, because I don't awake for.... a while on Earth.. Something is going strange to my body on Earth and I don't know what. I was alone on that planet.. Did i write that he was perfect? I never breathe such a pure oxygen in my entire life on Earth like this one. I started to walk normally on that planet, to see everything... no humans..just nature... so beautiful... Try to imagine a bit... see this image and try to feel how was to be alone there. Imagine that was night but the light of the moons can let you see everything. I was in peace... I want to stay there with Em..forever..Eternally. Suddently I saw something coming.... from the sky.... a Ship...different shape/layout... I know someone strange was coming.... The ship landed next to me and oppened the... "door" (was not like a door from a home, was near like a...

Archangel PT 4

... Then suddently i was back to the Archangel presence..And I asked: _This is South Korea? So the war will really start with North Korea vs World? The Archangel said: _Human decisions is human decisions, human can change this. Then I interrupted, saying: _But why you let me see this? The Archangel said: _The context, human... Understand... humand can't predict what will happen. No one knows.. can be nature, can be a nuclear war, can be extraterrestrial, can be a meteor. _Human are using extraterrestrial science, and are changing the human positive dimension and negative dimension... For power.. for money, they are trying to change the results of the tests, they are trying to change the human free will. _If you see something that are very unanceptable in the past, today you will find this normal. Things are changing, and you need to tell to everyone. ....continue

Archangels PT3

Brothers and Sisters, If you can donate, with any amount, it will help me a lot. Its my cousin account on paypal on the right.. thank you :) Things are started to get strange again here, soon i will do a update post to you all. --------------------------------- the Archangel continued: _Life if who you are inside, Soul energy, life is beyond universes. If humans transform energy in images they can see so much more than their own creation. And I asked: _How will be the future of humanity? He said: _ Death, destruction, suffering to many humans. Your technology will be out of control, powerfull diseases will be created, diseases that can transform humans to demons, In your actual time, diseases are created to control overpopulation, this is Human choice, not ours. _When the first ship appear on the sky, humans will know how they are nothing.. They will go to churchs, they will seek forgiveness. I interrupted: _Angels and Archangels use ships? He said: _No, Pakaol ...

Archangels PT2

His voice was soo powerfull, its like his voice was coming from thunders in the sky.. He continued saying: _There's soo much secrets in the deep sea.. The Ark sank a entire city with her.. Humans seek for proof of alien life but doesn't search their ships on Earth Sea. I said: _Are you saying that does exist cities and Alien ships at the botton of the ocean? Why? He said: _Cities sunk intentionally by humans and cities sunk intentionally by us, ships slaughtered by war, relics of human from planet. I interrupted: _But why keep this as a secret? Why they doesn't show up to us? He said: _Some races already live on planet where you exist, some races are awaiting the right time, patiently they stabilished bases near the planet as his distance to a star called by you as Sun. I asked: _But why we don't see them if they have bases so close to us? He said: _You can see, if you search in the right place, Tunt. Suddently a storm started... the Archan...

Archangels PT1

My feelings was correct, something is wrong, my finger started to burn like hell, my desire was to remove my finger soon as possible. Then I heard a frequency signal (very low) on the ship, and Pak said: _Wise human, you will have other opportunity to come back here learn about them, now I need to leave you to another place. I asked: _What place? Pak said: _ High Level Elohins wants to talk to you. I asked: _High level? Like bosses? Pak replied: _ Wise human, using your cultural religion language, there's Angels and Archangels, lets say they are Archangels. I said: _Archangel?! How is that possible? its too much information to me Pak. Pak said: _There's 9 levels on Elohin hierarchy, Wise human, soon you will learn about. I feel terrified, Pak started to pass his hand over the window, the ship recognize his command and started to make a strange noise. Pak turned to me and pressed his finger in my forehead, I blacked out. When I awoke, i was over a ...

Spirits PT4

Wiley was about to show me something over his table, looks like a machine with a beautiful red orb spinning, something is happening inside that orb.. Wiley said: _Touch it, Tunt. Iasked: _What will happen? Wiley said: _Your soul will teleport to another... in your coulture, dimension. When i was near to touch, I heard someone behind me.... Its Pak! Woa, I almost forgot how he was ugly.... Wiley looked to Pak and said: _Pakaol, hou never did this.... enter in my house..... what happened? Pak said: _Its time to show another civilization to Tunt. I asked: _Another one that I need to write about? Pak said: _Yes, later you will back to Wiley, to he teaches you about, Souls, Wise Human.. Let me touch your head. And Pak touched in my head, in the middle of my 2 eyebrows, i feel something hot... and... blacked out. When I finally awake, I was inside a ufo, small, and it was a town, another humans? 2 foots, 1 head... oh, wait..... something is not right.......

R.I.P Christina

I would like to leave a record. I was the first 200 followers on Christina Youtube. An artist who sang with soul, something that few do. I remember the first videos was made by a cellphone camera. Sometimes with a borrowed camera.. Even with the bad quality of videos, the sound quality remained intact, the talent of Christina Grimmie exuded. From the outside, helping animals, friends, people that have nothing, super beautiful soul. Managed temporary jobs, when finally arrive at The Voice and reach the 3rd Place. I saw all performances, all possible videos. Even some of music styles its not my favorite, I fall in love with Christina voice... The most pure energy I ever saw in my entire life, such a amazing talent. After the Voice the start that she deserved arrived... Unfortunately did not shine for a long time, today, 06/11/2016 she died while attending fans, at 22 years old. As an admirer of his Person, Voice and even music, here i post this record. Go in peace Ch...

Spirits PT2

Em asked: _how to live in a world where you feel pain easily?? I replied: _ Hard... Its near impossible do not feel some pain... if you eat something that isnt good, if you fall, if you get sick, if you feel something bad against other person. Em said: _What about love? What is love to you? Love hurts? I said: _Love to Me its something that change everything inside you, making you act different that you do normally, love its think on someone or something needing that everytime on your side.... love its look to someone and do not feel nothing negative. But live can destroy, can kill, can make happiness in depression. Love is the best and the worst feeling of the world. Em said: _ I never felt something like I feel when I was on your presence..when you sleep here I feel so alone, nothing make sense anymore, i want to be with you like my lungs need oxygen.. i guess I love you. In this moment i felt something, a feeling very very strange inside me, burning like a volcano... Can...

Spirits pt1

I will stop the history of the book for a time, i need to write some experiences before the book a while . --------------------------------- Since as a kid I've asked myself to where We go before death. I asked myself too if death is like a person, a god or a demon. Since as a kid I fear the death, even knowing I will die someday. I decided to go deep, now i have total control over myself and can be tottaly lucid when I go to Eden while sleeping. After wake up in Eden, i decided to go after Willey, to ask this question. Im really want to you guys see Eden someday, how beautiful this planet is, how pure is the air, the sky in the day, with 3 visible moons near the white-blued Sun. Em was with me all the time, while We walking to Willey house, she ask me some curious questions every time, like: Whats your best food on Earth? My answer was: Hamburger with fries with a lot of katchup. And Em asked: How can i do, teach me to do hamburger with fries to you? I said: Its i...

Empty Space

Hello world and friends. Sorry to interrupt the book, but i need to share something. Im not feeling good, I dont know..  I feel that inside my soul i have a hole with no end.. Let me say from the begin: The day started strange... like I forgot to leave something with me, and this thing was getting bigger hour over hour. I dissapeared because finally i can control everything in me, i can "live" on Eden and can live normally when i want. What sounds extremely sobrenatural in the begin, now are something normal to me. And i started to spend my time on Earth to fix everything that i lost since the first contacto with Pak. Things has going deep day after day, when I saw that i need to do something here.. When i saw myself on the mirror 2 months ago, it wasn't me... i was like a zombie.. lost so much weight.. lost my shine, my powers... lost my humanity. I started to develop my thoughts on both reality, because, if its everything perfect on Eden, why can't be perfe...

Center of the Universe PT 2

And Pak ended: _You will stay connected to me until The End, wise human.. But in every place we need to judge  what is good and what is bad.  Soon humans will discover a way to travel away from this solar system, soon humans will discover a new home, and will contact Eden. And I asked: _How? Its impossible travel in the speed of light, we do not have such a power, and even if we  discover, we will have problem with mater. Pakaol said: _You are thinking so small now, do not lose any word that i said, wise people will read your words,  some of them will make a difference over your race. Why the worry about speed if in the space you can take shortcuts,  imagine the space outside your planet as a ocean.. your planet are a boat, your planet are a mass on this ocean, because your planet position and weight over this ocean, Earth have a different time  compared to the ocean because Earth have his own, in your ...

Center of the Universe PT 1

Hello friends and World. So..i decided to back to blog, because i miss you all, i feel lonely without your energies, i feel Weak. Please, keep clicking in the Ad if you see something good, or donate to help me in this House  problem. I am earning money selling candy on the roads... Em are proud of me... i said to her I am ashamed to tell her I am doing this because i can't work... She smiled and said:  "There's nothing to shame, If i was on Earth I would be with you,happy to be on your side, selling and eating candies! Even doesn't know how are the taste... " So I decided to do Candy to Em... and.. where i can find the ingredients on Eden? ahahahahh everyone will know soon how ended this mess..hahahah.. The nexts posts will be a little short, until I get the money to pay the house. Please keep helping me... I need you my friends. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...


Hello world! I will end the book here.. we will have a new post today :) Back to activities :)

Farewell =)

Hello my friends, visitors and Universe.  Sadly things here on my house are going out of control, and I need a time to try to raise money, converting the currency today its like $700,00 to pay house tax,they are threatening to sell our house.  I receive total amount of 2 donations (0.03 btc and $10,00) from 2 awesome friends,I admit I have not used it because to transfer this money some sites charge a value, i'm searching for some other methods.  Adsense are with $26,00 thanks to awesome friends clicking on the ads, but isn't enough to transfer to my account, Google need at least $100,00 to make the transfer.  So.. i need to check other ways to earn money.. i'll sell things on the road, like candy, even feeling weakness, to see if can help more here on house.  I was thinking about paint some pictures of things I experienced in these days, to see if you, friends or visitors, buy .. If so, please comment on this idea. (like paint Em image).  ...

The Start of The End FINAL.

And I said to Pak: _Trip? I lost myself into strange places, worlds, I lived in another body... Heard a lot of histories, a lot of beings that want Earth, and I don't know why for sure, don't know in who believe. Pakaol said: _Wise Human, you need to believe in the human kind. In your words, I Teleported your Soul in different dimensions, I let you see just a bit of what you have outside Earth.  The last race you met are on Earth for centuries, they dominate a High part of this galaxy.  Some human souls need more, in your words, "experience" they seems more instinctive than logically.  Of course some races want Earth, can humans live in peace? In this entire galaxy, only humans kill each other, lie to each other.  Wise human, how humans can proof they can envolve as a intelligent considerable race if they can't make peace with their own?  This is when enter the "Waves" that you heard, they will happen.. Again We will help humans...

The Start of The End PT12

* Hello Friends, visitors and universe. Im recovering from Zika virus disease... Please, if you see something that you are searching, click on the AD's, or donate clicking on the button :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ningi said: _Your objective is to know all the unknow of outside and pass everything to another humans from Earth.  Im Ningi, humans call me as reptillian and other names that isn't important.. Your soul it's Arcturian and your actual body is in a state called as "coma" on human culture. I said: _This explains everthing.. why i can't wake up on Earth... I don't know how many hous passed since i was sleeping on Earth. Ningi said: _Your time is useless here, but if you want to know, was passed near a 20 days on Earth until now. I really started to worry and said: _Its too many days! What about my family??? I am in a hospital? N...

The Start of The End PT11

She is beautiful... so beautiful... Finally I was face to face with her... it does not show any emotion .. .. her eyes deepened in my soul.. I started to feel strange.. some power has coming inside me... and I asked: _Who are you? She remained silent. I asked: _Where I am? She remained silent. I was preparing to run away from her..I began to feel threatened, when suddently she suddenly raised his right hand and placed it on my head. BURNED A LOT... and suddently.....everything is black... i fainted... And I heard a sweet whisper saying: _I'm Harzel, from race Yahyel, We started like primitives like you Humans form Earth, the only difference is some parts of our DNA and our passion by technology, of course our biologic system are different. _We was the first Alien race to contact actual human civilization. _You now are going to Draco constellation, this is just a moon, one stop that the Arcturians give to me see you.... they said you don't have much...

The Start of The End PT10

This world is completely white.. no green.. its like be in south pole without cold, but add white mountains and all. No signal of Life... i was walking for.. hours? hha totally strange doesn't need hour outside.. my time is useless. And i saw someone stopped looking at me a few meters, appearing like a magic.. As if he were camouflaged... A very beautiful woman, white-blued skin, very beautiful blue eyes, with white skin and smooth-light blue hair and covered by clothes, can't see any details of the body, I started to walk to her... she still looking at me.. if I was in my normal body maybe I can run to her.. but I'm 100% sure my body isn't like her race seems to be. I started to think what history she will told me, seems like every race need to tell me something, specially bad about my race... Inside me something said she's isn't bad... but I'm sure i am curious to hear her voice. continue tomorrow..

The Start of The End PT9

Hello my friends and visitors, and Hello universe. I feel inside me that i really need to keep posting to you guys all my book, here. I'm very weak, my health its very very bad, the medics want me to stay in the hospital for "research" whats going on. But i know what is happening.. My soul are day after day want to stay with Em.. but my mission here isn't over.. i have a LOT to write.. I keep dreaming a lot of things, and I awake very very weak... Pak said that i need to keep writing here until my mission accomplish. When i finish my mission, i can go to my destiny. I never asked money to write this.. but right now things are turning very very bad. So, thanks the idea of Kolin and Ravage, I created a bitcoin address and a paypal donation button. You can contribute as much as you want, even if was 1 cent I will be glad of your help. This will made me useful to my family again and will motivate me to keep writing instead falling of depression (I'm he...

The Start of The End PT8

Enki said: _Religion is based of all my history against my brother the world divided because of us.. But of course I'm not bad, Lucifer means "bringing light", and what is this specific light? Knowledge. _I let you humans know the secrets of the unknow, even this cause human banishment from Eden. But this isn't why you are here... And i said: _Why i'am here? Enki said: _ Humans will enter in a war soon in your time and will learn that not even the most money in the world can bring back millions of losts lifes.  This will be the start of the end of this type of humanity.. after the Sixth wave, a new type of humans will born.   Isn't the End of everything, but you need to understand.... We do not want to save your actual type of human race anymore, we saved a lot of times and nothing changed to our objectives,  We will do nothing to avoid the Waves, millions will die, but the survivors will change your actual systems as monetary, human and religiou...


Hello universe. I'm with a awful unknow disease.. sorry my dissapearance. Tomorrow i'll continue the posts under best presence possible. Hugs and love.

The Start os The End pt7

I said: _ Excuse me, but... I am dreaming? I am alive? How I ended up here? Few hours ago i was with Odumma, and with my friend Carlos that said i was in coma and something happened and I awake in a kind of a Ship with a unknow Alien speaking prophecies...Now I am in... other constellation? Sorry but I need answers. Enki said: _ Your Soul is here, you Soul was with Odumma, Your Soul have a biologic body, a container on Eden, the power of humans are his souls.     Your biologic body on Earth are waiting your return on the right time, you have a mission on Earth, thats why you still there.    Your soul was very ancient, you lived on Mars, you protected humans from the war, you are from Arcturus, we work together, you are a important member of the Matrix. I said: _We work together? I never heard your name in my entire life.. I just read some things about Annunakis, but about my soul... This is new.. but this explains a lot of things.. Enki said: _ You suffered ...

The Start of The End pt6

_Humans still blinded, and always will be... Earth Humans need to see the truth, your words will awake important souls. Suddently I fainted... everything turned dark so fast what is happening...... I don't remember nothing this time.. when i awaked i saw a strange man in front of me. We were on a peak, was dawning, I felt a very gentle breeze on me, a pure air like Eden, but there was not Eden, and it was not the Earth, the plants are different.. quite exotic.. and i saw a lot of old...pyramids in the view of the background...the peak was so high... what planet was that? How did I end up here? standing? who is this guy? He was tall, a 5, 6 meters tall .. had a weird beard, seemed artificial but I did not dare to touch him or get close. His eyes were very light blue, almost white, felt an old and strong power from your body, my arm hairs prickled up the spine. His clothes smelled like gold, iron, silver. He have 2 strange watches, one in each hand, and he have ...

The Start of The End pt5

-Fourth: Human from Earth race will enter in a conflict between skin colors, naturally caused by centuries of skin mutations. Only when something bigger than your nature appear, the conflict will over and humans will see that everyone are the same. We tried to understand why humans created prejudgement about skin colors. Other animals races doesn't have nothing compared to this and nothing like this. _Fifth: The planet named as Earth can't give to humans from Earth more natural resources, humans from Earth consumed their interiors as ants build their houses, armadillos dig the earth. Everything inside your planet have life, and nature gave and takes, now its time to human pay the debt. Humans have allies outside but they saw that the past knowledge was not transferred truthfully to other humans. Only those most powerful selected to rule over humans have the science moved by what you call aliens allies, this is unacceptable. _Sixth: Human eyes will open to the dangers o...

The Start of the End PT4

And suddently i heard a big sound coming from the sky, like iron jarring, forniture moving, a horn coming from a tunnel (in the sky?). And i heard a voice in my mind: _Humans, watch. The soung coming too powerfull... so loud.. the people in the streets went crazy, desperate.. the police on my road don't know what to do. The windows start to broken....damn this is so loud!!!!!! Carlos said: _What the hell is this?! Where is this noise coming from? What the hell, lets go back to your home and wait for your sister! The voice in my mind said: _Watch. People started to said: _Its the end! Its the Apocalypse! The voice in my mind said: _Watch. Carlos said: _Come on! Lets go to your house!! Damn where's your sister, where's your wife? And the sky turned from day to night.. I heard Thunder with this big sound... The voice said again: _Watch. I was bothered with all that was going on, and I spoke aloud: _WATCH WHAT?! Carlos said: _What are y...

The Start of the End PT3

I'm feeling lost.. so... all that i've lived was a dream? My subconscious? This is it? Pak touched me , I fell and was in a coma for 7 years? No.. impossible.. And i asked Carlos: _So.. if i awaked of a Coma, how i'm here on my house? Why i'm not in a hospital? Carlos said: _Somethimes you awake and lost your memory, but never saw you lost so agressive than this time.. You awaked... a little strange.. i can see in your eyes, you isn't you.. its like you really don't remember nothing from here. I said: _If I said to you that i am not from this reality? Did you believe me? Carlos laughed, saying: _And you will say that you have a brother instead of a sister, and this house isn't the same decoration of your other reality, and you lived in contact with a Alien.. I said: _Yes!!! And much more! Carlos said: _ Hahahahh your sister said sometimes you dream speaking crazy things like this.. But believe me, you are dreaming..very well by the wa...

The Start of the End PT2

Hello Milky Way. First of all i want to say thank you to Kolin Evans ( and Ravage (\@RavagePanther) for all the help with the chapters, you guys are making sense of everything in my book. Thank you so much my dearest friends!. I miss many other friends here, like interested, Robert, Mickin, OpenMind, dnm, Jennifer... I wish you all can come back to me, the life is very more than our nature.. I don't know if someone remember me anymore, but i will always love you guys with all my energies.. I miss you all. And to visitors: Welcome ! here you will read things that are uncommon on your nature, things unexplained to our actual science. You need to keep your mind open and think away of your nature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... And I asked Carlos: _More than a Month without energy?  Carlos said:  _What happened? Y...