is he..again?

Hello guys,

Last night i hear that "purring" sound again.

 I was afraid to go out immediately to see him again, and waited like 8-10 minutes, but immediately this thing on my finger started to burn, and i fear that i need to go to see...
 I opened the door that have acess to the stairs, and have my smartphone ready to record if i saw him again.
 Again i dont saw the ship, and so when i stepped on the third rung of the ladder, the sound disappeared.
 But I saw something like a light blue beam goes inside my house, by far, as something that took a long shot to inside her, just passing the will of the window, which was open, and i heard a noise, like a "bruuuump" in my house, in this time, my brother comes scared because he was sleeping, and asked me "What sound is it? Is coming from our house? " I said yes, and he got scared too, and tell me to close the door and stay aware if we heard again to call police.
 And this time this thing in my finger was started to comes normally again.
 This morning I went to the old house to see if something happened.... The old house is completely impregnated by one horrible smell of rotten eggs with evaporated water.
 I cant stay there no longer, my eyes burn to stay long there.
 I'll wait for the smell and the air become more affordable to i get in to saw if something happened.
 Now i'm very concerned about this thing on my finger, what the hell is this.. did appeared 2 small gray dots in this.. but now i feel nothing.. but im very concerned.....very concerned.. i dont have idea of what is it.


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